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#Suharsimi arikunto 2010 metode penelitian.ebook pdf
Jakarta: Indeks, 2010.Buku Metodologi PeneIitian Suharsimi Arikuntó Pdf Download 3,7/5 5251reviews Related News. Bermain Sambil Belajar Sains di Taman Kanak-kanak.

Makalah Strategi Pembelajaran Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran(online) 2010. http: journal Pengenalan Sains Untuk Anak TK_2.pdf(online) 2003. Pengenalan Sains Untuk Anak TK Dengan Pendekatan “Open Inquiri”. , Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan RD. Pengembangan Pembelajaran Sains Pada Anak Usia Dini. Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktik). That means the research hypothesis that there is influence of experimental methods on the science skills of group B children of Tunas Harapan Kindergarten 1 Tunggunjagir district Mantup Lamongan Regency is acceptedĪrikunto, Suharsimi. Thus, it could be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. From the calculation results it is obtained the average scores of pre-test results amounted to 20.8 and the average scores of post-test results amounted to 26.8 with Tcount ≤ Ttable (0 ≤ 21). Data obtained in the field were analyzed by using data analysis technique of wilcoxon match pairs test. The validity instrument uses the validity construction test, while its reliability uses the observation reliability test with the formula presented by Fernandes. The subjects of this study were 16 children. Data collection technique uses observation. This study uses pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest design. The purpose of this study is to know the science ability of group B children of Tunas Harapan kindergarten 1 Tunggunjagir Mantup Lamongan before applying experimental method, and to know the science ability of group B children of Tunas Harapan kindergarten 1 Tunggunjagir Mantup Lamongan after applying experimental method.